Frequently Asked Questions

Please fill out the registration that is available HERE.

You will receive further instructions for your registration by email.

Designated driver (21 years of age or more): Volunteer who drive the client’s vehicle.

Escort driver (18 years of age or more): Volunteer who use their own car to drive their team where the client is located.

Navigator (18 years of age and more): Volunteer who accompanies the driver in the client’s vehicle.

Support volunteer: Volunteer who works inside headquarters. Roles vary widely (phone operator, greeting, training, dispatch, and others), and differ from one headquarters to another.

Yes, all volunteers must register every year. To register, click HERE

Oui, c’est possible. Les 4 personnes doivent remplir le formulaire et compléter le processus d’inscription. La 4e personne agit à titre de 2e partenaire et doit rester en tout temps dans le véhicule de l’escorte motorisée.

Yes, you may. At headquarters, other people will be on their own and you will be able to meet people to build a team of three volunteers.

Designated driver (21 years of age or more): Volunteer who drive the client’s vehicle.

Escort driver (18 years of age or more): Volunteer who use their own car to drive their team where the client is located.

Navigator (18 years of age and more): Volunteer who accompanies the driver in the client’s vehicle.

Support volunteer: Volunteer who works inside headquarters. Roles vary widely (phone operator, greeting, training, dispatch, and others), and differ from one headquarters to another.

You do not have to! When you start feeling tired, you may take a break or simply return to headquarters to conclude your evening.

No, you may not consume alcohol on the day of your participation to Operation Red Nose. This has been our way since the very first Operation Red Nose in 1984.

Yes, you may! You can take the role of the Partner, the person who accompanies the driver and the client in the client’s vehicle. You could also work as a support volunteer in one of the several support teams at headquarters. You must however be of the appropriate age, as indicated on the registration form.

As in daily life, the Escort Driver must ensure their vehicle against accidental damage. Operation Red Nose offers complementary insurance coverage; please ask the coordinators at your headquarters for all the details.

La plupart des centrales offrent un dédommagement pour l’essence des escortes motorisées. La méthode et le montant du remboursement varient d’une centrale à une autre. Veuillez communiquer avec votre organisation locale afin d’obtenir ces renseignements locaux.

A team member must inform the client that unfortunately, they cannot offer the ride. Using this system requires special training, and it use is strictly reserved to its owner. Random tests are performed on the system to make certain no third party has blown into the device in place of the driver.